welcome to my photography home on the web.

just keep clicking to find your way around.

the menu at top left will get you to any part of the website.

some recent excerpts from my photo journal — or blog, if you will — are shown at right. you can also browse through them here

use the categories and tags to help you. there’s tons here if you like my work. (well, there’s tons here, even if you don’t like my work… but you know what i mean)

i’m very glad that you could visit. i welcome comments. i also do this for money and welcome assignments! get in touch.

you will find that most pages and posts have mosaic or grid layout galleries — click on any individual image and it will (or should) enlarge to fit your screen with a dimmed out background.

i’ve recently moved more to a slideshow presentation on individual pages with pictures fading in and out. to pause any slide, hover over the image. to navigate forward or reverse, use the arrow keys. click any image to enlarge to fit screen (works with most browsers)

new japan photos 

recently … just spent a month in what should normally have been ‘rainy season’ japan. however, as most of us now recognize; climatically, there aren’t really

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walking east london greenway — ‘twixt plaistow and stratford one of the great pleasures of living in london is walking.the city is criss-crossed with urban pathways through

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summer in the city (hot town) So, you thought i’d died, not really … just a hiatus. some personal stuff i won’t bore you with here, but i’ve

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haunted by postmodernism 

kindergarten wolfartsweier architects: tomi ungerer and ayla suzan yöndel memphis studios interior ettore sottsass and others is po-mo now retro? recently visited charles jencks’ residence; the cosmic

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a distant blur 

and now, it all seems a distant blur mayfair; one of the poshest boroughs in london. it was here that former chairman of the conservative party

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