paris | en hiver
paris | en hiver NB: this is a temporary text generated by AI paris holds significant interest in the realm of intellectual and cultural movement, having served as
updated (with a bit of luck) weekly - most recent entries at the top
paris | en hiver NB: this is a temporary text generated by AI paris holds significant interest in the realm of intellectual and cultural movement, having served as
le fondation le corbusier i doubt if le corbusier needs much of an introduction to many of you. in case …
there was a time when photography in art galleries was very strictly controlled and usually forbidden. with the widespread use of phone cameras these prohibitions have been largely abandoned.
pre-digital, armed only with my polaroid camera — i’m tempted to revive it. you will find here: Picasso, brancusi, jean-paul sartre, simone de beauvoir, jean seberg, henri langlois, and