
updated (with a bit of luck) weekly - most recent entries at the top


new japan photos

recently … just spent a month in what should normally have been ‘rainy season’ japan. however, as most of us now recognize; climatically, there aren’t really

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walking east london greenway — ‘twixt plaistow and stratford one of the great pleasures of living in london is walking.the city is criss-crossed with urban pathways through

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summer in the city (hot town) So, you thought i’d died, not really … just a hiatus. some personal stuff i won’t bore you with here, but i’ve

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haunted by postmodernism

kindergarten wolfartsweier architects: tomi ungerer and ayla suzan yöndel memphis studios interior ettore sottsass and others is po-mo now retro? recently visited charles jencks’ residence; the cosmic

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the rest

a distant blur

and now, it all seems a distant blur mayfair; one of the poshest boroughs in london. it was here that former chairman of the conservative party

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naoshima (yes, again)

naoshima | yes, again when i first visited naoshima in a mild january in 2003, although you would immediately recognise the house benesse resort

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the phoenix hall of byodoin

the phoenix hall of byōdō-in byōdō-in is a temple situated in uji-shi a city found between the two historical capitals of japan; nara and kyoto. the most

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